Journal Concept
A peer reviewed international journal devoted to research of Environmental Science and Technology. The scope of the journal encompasses, related to the following areas in modern society: purification, separation, adsorption, treatment for cleaning air or water, and energy conversion.
The interest of J-BESS is technologies to maintain the good environmental conditions of the Earth.
For instance, artificial materials such as CFC, PCB, and plastics show physicochemical stability, but they can not be decomposed naturally. Indeed, such artificial materials had caused a lot of pollutions in this century. Therefore, J-BESS accepts only scientific reports regarding the natural materials such as minerals, oxides, metals, water, gas, and their essential functions.
Manuscript regarding the artificial technologies such as nuclear reaction, DNA modification, and stem cell technologies are not accepted.
Guide for Authors
J-BESS publishes mainly the research activity of FSL as the bulletin. However, the submission of manuscripts from others is also welcome.
Manuscripts have to write down in English, and to use conventional word processors such as MS-word, Pages for Cover letter, Main text, Table, Figure, and Supplemental data. PDF format is also possible. The text-style and length of manuscript are free, but he design and the number of words will be adjusted by the editorial office under the agreement of the author. The editor and our advisors cooperate for fairly reviewing the manuscripts according to the journal concept. The accepted date of manuscript is guaranteed by the notary public registration in the world. For submitting manuscript and asking other questions, please contact to the editorial office by using email ( ).